Friday, December 16, 2011

Incoherent love

So it was a half day at school today which basically means I was only in school until 1:00. The whole hall watched "sound of music". Honestly I liked it. It was really nice. Julie Andrews or whatever was in it and I felt, well as my black friend says: "I felt BLESSED!"

Nikolai is the cutest thing ever. I got to his house before he got of The bus and me and my mom were just non-scalantly sitting there in TEH car. And he was like "...0H! It's you!!! :0"

So I was like...there from 1:45-9:18

Whoa...eight and a half hours!! :0 god what is WRONG with meh?
Focus, focus...ahem.
So I go inside and his house is beautiful. Small, but gorgeous. His mom was SO sweet. She brought me some sweet tea, even though I would have gladly gone and got it myself.
We went to Walmart, and I got a gigantic golden bow, along with a giant blue ball....I...I felt like getting them ^.^
He got MW3....Damn the group...Bleh
we went to the subway in the store, it was like a date. :) He bought us an icee and we shared it, talking about life and other hilarious things. That felt like an actual date. Hehehehe
OH! So we get home and he says "okay we go on walk now!" so we did. We walked around the golf course, first near the lake, then just all around. It was really nice. -swoon- We listened to our song, "smile" by uncle Kracker.

And it gets dark, we go lay by the lake, we listen to music...we babble. And he kissed me on the cheek and forehead and such. It was soooo romantic.

So we go home, eat delicious pizza fight for the remote (( Dragon Ball Z Kai vs. Bomb patrol, let you decide who wanted to watch what ))

And we talk and such, but at this point it's more like incoherent babbling.

Like literally:

Nikolai: "so yeah, symbolism..."

Blythe: "um, what?"

Nikolai: "I so AGREE WITH You!!" -random talking in German-

Blythe: 0.e


So he pulls back a strand of hair, he usually does that so he can see my: "beautiful lovely face"
And this time we leaned in and kissed.
It felt like electricity ^.^

Well it's like...almost 10...night



K so like I'm in subway with Nikolai. <3 he just had déjà Vu
Interesting story
Anyway he got me presents
^,^ oh. Yeah. Urggh
Oh um we're in Walmart



Tuesday, December 6, 2011


So I got a guys number today. Ironically his name is also Dustin >.<. And my First thought was: "whaaaaaat?"

But the more I think about it, the more I think:


Sunday, December 4, 2011

How you know if your bestie is REALLY your bestie

This is short cause it's 4 o'clock.

You know your bestie is your bestie when...

...she stays up until four in the fucking morning watching a LPS (( littlest pet shop)) soap operas.

Lub yooh Dakota!!


Saturday, December 3, 2011

To theFarmers market

Oh look theirs Dakotas school! Oh xD lol now she's telling me about her dream. :P now we're at the ATM, getting money.
What for? The Farmers Market! 8D oh. Wait wrong ATM. Dx
Now to the other ATM.

-looks around- where is it? we are.
"the car is vibrating!!" Dakota says.
Wow. She ate her card! :0
XD jk jk.

I'll post something after we actually get there. Until then



Sunday, November 13, 2011

How to explain HIM

A carmel colored cutie with freckles and a lotta attitude. Total bad boy. A gangster even. Heh, he has some bad history and a few scars, he looks good w/o his shirt off hehe. :)

Anyways, I met him through an old friend of mine two years 5 months as 6 weeks ago. He reminds me often on how long we've bee~ well. KNOWN each other.

They went out and we became friends over time. He used to sneak into our art class just to see her.
But...-sigh- her parents hated me. And they didn't really like him...she cried over*"antics" all the time.

*Antics means...xD having "play dates" with his "friends"


Anyways anyways. They broke up , and we became really good friends.

Then I hated Mikavile. I mean sheer HATRED. But it was kind of forced hatred. I don't want to get into any details over that. >.< Parents

First day of 8th grade and WHO of all people sits in front of me?

Mikavile. -.-

He walked into the room. Ours eyes locked and he walked STRAIGHT out.

We started talking after once certain incident.
It seems harmless but it was big.

I had forgot my calculator and he offered his. I...I was stunned. I had thought he hated me too.

Enter Katherine. Sassy little she-devil...from VA or PA. I ain't sure.
It was obvious she liked him, and vice versa.
So, they start going out and the whole school started giving them a hard time.

Not because Mikavile is black and she's white...that happens all the time at our school!

No, he isn't liked much because that hot-head is NOT the easiest to get along with by a LONG shot..yeah.

Fast forward to about a week ago.

Katherine told me she was gonna break up with him...and...I didn't tell Mikavile.
Because I liked him. And I was single. Still am ;D haha.
And I still do like him.

He was SO PISSED at me Not telling him, that he told Katherine that I did.

This weekend we've been talking non-stop. I've been talking to him MORE than Dakota!!! :0

What's stopping us from being together?

ffffff my parents. Classic Romeo and Juliet moment Dx. Add in racism. also add he's my friend's ex.

plus add he's a thug.

But he is very sweet. He always finds a way to make me smile and laugh. He's really cute, he looks great w/o a shirt hehe. Mikavile's Carmel. :3 growing up in a racist family is tough. Most colored guys I leave alone.
But he's different. :3
Now you must know when I lived in Charlotte I dated two black people.. It was interesting...
Truthfully I wonder what's gonna happen if we go out...but...I'm terrified that it will end badly...


Story time over


Saturday, November 12, 2011


His Carmel colored hand resting gently in mine.
The way he holds me so tightly, yet tenderly.
Those deep brown eyes that melt my heart, but frightened me all that time ago.

The way he makes me smile, no matter what.
The fights we get in.
How we can make up.

How we aren't dating, but on face-book we act like it.
And the fact he knows how long we've known each other.

2 years...
4 months...
5 and a half weeks...

This is Mikavile.



Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Staple bracelets do not work

In Mr. P's ( for lack of better name ).

I had a stapler. My stapler.

It was a movie, something about the battle of Lexington. It was pretty interesting to say the least. We have a trial today and I'm getting a ride to school from me mom. :D

So I accidentally stapled two staples together, and thus my era of staple bracelets was born!

Problem: 1.) they hurt really really bad
2.) they get caught on everything
3.) when running track, they scratch others to the point of bleeding.
4.) unattractive.

So the. Conclusion is this:

Staple bracelets do not work.

Don't go home and try to make them. It's a waste of staples!!


Sunday, October 23, 2011

Dollies, Rides, fried snickers and cosmopolitan

Let's see. I'll classify my weekend into two days because well, nothing happened on Sunday.

Friday: at the social studies fair I did cheerwine with Lance. We got set up and everyone swarmed us. ((absolutely no exaggeration.)) I got to hang out with Dustin a lot during the S.S. fair which I was thrilled about. After S.S class I went to gym then spanish
-/un-important statement is un-important-\
I got off the bus and sat out on the lawn until my mom came and picked me up.
(( I get dropped off at my aunt and uncle's house b/c I live out of district.))
ANYWAYS, i went home and got packed for an annual all-weekend-sleepover with Dakota. It's always a BLAST. that night we played with our Dollies ((littlest pet shops)) until we crashed. We stayed up until about -asks Dakota, whom is sitting next to me at this very moment- "1:30? 2:00?"

"that's not that late psssh" she says. Oh boy now she's singing the piña colada song .3.

So that wraps up FRIDAY.

Saturday: the most interesting thing we were supposed to do that day was go to the dollar store. But no. Instead we go to the fair!!! Dakota still wants to go to the dollar store ~.~
So first I was apprehensive of the rides. Dakota wanted me to ride a giant roller coaster type thing that scared the bejeezus out of me. So me and lion went on one of those pirate ship rides that swings back and forth. It was awkward in the line. But when the ride started oh my god I've never screamed so much in my life! It was a blast.
Me and Dakota each got epic hats and made lyon and Dakota's dad wear our fedoras. My hat is a wolf hat and hers is an elephant hat! 0h, by the way. Lion is Dakotas older brother. Um...let's see...we then went on the flying bob, which me and Dakota called the flying boob. It was pretty funny. You see all these normal people then you see us with our epic hats >.< haha.
Lion and Dakota's dad went on this thing that spins you in all was scary looking....
Ummm....Hm..well, we tried a fried snickers because in this state; frying food is a religion! 8D it Was delicious :P but uber sweet.
We went on one of those one seared swing rides and of all those people, who do we see?!? LANCE. Of course. We went and spoke to him after the ride and idk. It was cool to see him.
Uh. We saw the pig races :P go squeelin' earnheart jr! :D
I went on a log ride and it was...WET Dx it was fun though. And that wraps up the weekend :P


Thursday, October 20, 2011

Today was an early release day

Mood at the moment: tired -(.)-

Who made me the most pissed today: ummm hmm...probably……Pepper the dog. She wouldn't get off my shoulders

Current activity: Watching return to halloween town.

Knee condition: Alright

What I JUST ATE: a pickle

Mood now: bored

Monday, October 17, 2011

Today was shitty

I'm on the bus. Bus 171. I just got insulted for my hat that Dakota gave me. I'm in a knee brace cause of Ashleigh. I did go up a 20 degree hill, which was worth it.
Ummm...Dustin is grounded ( again ).
"Cum on the loose!" great Klein. Wonderful to know. I'll talk about the dance in another post. It was pretty epic, well. As epic as a school dance can be.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Monday, October 10, 2011

Tee hee on the bus

Random ness on the bus. Awesome chick named Nicole. She's pretty cool. She likes all my fav bands, skillet, three days grace, linkin park. Oh our neighborhood. D:

and Dustin got braces!!! AHHHH!

Saturday, October 8, 2011


I'm not fat I'm husky!

Get it? Get it?



Thursday, October 6, 2011

What had Blythe done today

I learned that I can NEVER EVER try out for volleyball...I SERIOUSLY SUCK.

But Dustin gave me a hug so I was a little better.

Still, all the two years of riding Ashleigh, all the self esteem was crushed today.


Lance is way too possessive. And I Want it to be Friday so I can go spend the night at Dakota's.

So. In order to do that I gotta sleep.


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Getting ready for school

*bra and undies
* socks
*make up

I only have three of these things on xD

Not very deep now is it?

If u want deep read my OTHER posts...

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Current location: Allie's house

Current people: Allie Summerland
                         Joe Burn
                         Randle Summerland
                         Blythe Anderson
                         Ashleigh the ripstik
Current topic: Homework ...Um...never...nevermind...0.0




Awesomely Epic Title

Think of the old song: "I don't wanna go to school." By the Naked Brothers band


Blarf meat! i don't wanna go to school!
My scienceteacher stinks
I wish I could just stay home and blog and play feral hearts and ripstik the WHOLE day...

But I needs mah Edjumacation 8D

So I gotta go :(
The only ENJOYABLE thing about school is my Spanish class. It's NEVER boring there..

the world may NEVER know!!!

And that's a spazztic post from your VERY own:

                                                ( dish is mah pet Blobfish!! his name is bob. )

Monday, October 3, 2011

Grounding :(

Well? Dustin got grounded
He made his mommeh mad and nao we can't talk or text for ( enter amount of time here ).

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Blah blah blah

I told Allie about Dustin.
She's mad.
I'm confuzzled.
Joe flirted with me while Allie was in the other room.
Dustin's STILL sick.
That's all I'm gonna say.
( oh and I think Batmidden (( bleh Dakota how do you spell that? DX ))  Makes you high. especially when you get hit in the eye with the birdy. )


Monday, September 26, 2011

Nuclearkit's Last Stand

Hello world! <3

Hello world and everyone in it!!!! Blythe here coming to you from my bed.

What happened to me today... Hmm...

Well: *my boobs were called "odd looking"

* we have to run a mile in what the gym teachers hope less than 5 minutes every week.

* she joined her demonic mother in a quest to rebuild Bloodclan >:D ( feral hearts )

* and she loves Dustin...

That's a recap of my day.
Now I'm kinda just chilling here with my stuffed lion Leo.
She can't wait to see Allie and Joe tomorrow.

OH! and her last name is Summerland.
Sorry for any confusion.



The day I knew Dustin Riggs was right for me.

He was sick.

He still IS sick.

But he Still came over.

He looked like he was dying.

But he still hung out with me and Dakota.

Dakota was over.

He didn't care.

He thinks Dakota is awesome.

Dustin Riggs...I love you <3

Dedication to Forestclan! 8D

I'm giving a BIG North Carolina Thank you To these awesome Feral Hearts lovers! <3




Left to right: Stormwind; Angelmoon; Flamefoot ( me!); Russetstorm; Nova; Cheetahpool; and PatchStitch

Friday, September 23, 2011

Good Morning. Fail blog is Fail


I got up at 10:05. Now after searching for my parents for thirteen minutes I'm on here...blogging.

I can't go out of the house to ride Ashleigh, my cherry red ripstik which makes me sad.

wow I'm completely emotionless when I wake up xD

I'm nomming on a pickle very juicy pickle. like the ones at the fair? yummi.

If pickles ever became outlawed I think I'd die.

An interesting thing thats gonna happen today is that me and Dakota are having a sleepover which I'm happi about.

Then...something on Saturday? xD

Then eh heh
spending time w/ Dustin on Sunday.

well, I'm gonna go eat some cereal. Peace!
                                          ~ B.R.A.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Lemme Tell ya a story.

Well, lets start from the beggining.
Few days into school, greatness.
I got a few awesome friends in school. Including the at-the-time happy Allie.
Also had the great Lance Decker. Such a sweet...sweet guy....really...really...sweet...

Lance was my Still IS my boyfriend.

He has ash colored blonde hair, blue eyes and a lot of freckles...heh, i tried to count them once but I couldn't do it. When we first started to date, he was uber uber'm not so sure...


Gym class:

Taya: Hey! Blythe! Meet the new kid Dustin!
Blythe: Oh, uh hey.
Dustin: Hey...

And the convo ends
Dustin Riggs.

He dated Allie.... They were so good together.

Then, out of no where he dumped her so another guy could date her.... Still don't make sense to me.

After talking a lot, I found that; much to my demise, I had a thing for him.

And I still do!

Anyways, anyways. Allie is now currently dating Joe Burns. He's tall.
Like. SUPER SUPER tall.
Allie is sick, heartbroken and almost lost it once.

... I wish I  could help her...
Lets go back to Lance for a second. For the past few days, he has been grabbing my butt (( can I cuss on here Dakota? ))

And I don't like it. He does it every time we're together. He's not the Lance I fell for. Nope. Not at all.
Now back to Dustin.
I went over to his house and the most interesting thing happened....

I snuggled up to him.
He put his arm around me.
I looked up at him.
He took my head in his hand.
And we kissed.
I mean, he's a good kisser. But It was surprising.
Like...really surpriseing!

And the worst part of all is, I loved every second I spent with him

And for now: thats all the story there is 8D

                                          ~ BRA

My ( sort of ) Intro

After hearing that my bff Dakota ( -cough not her real name- ) made a blog, I decided to make one! I really have a LOT going on in my life, and because idk if anyone in my real world gets it...I guess I'll tell it to a bunch of random strangers.

So, who IS  the mysterious Blythe Ross Anderson, BRA for short...YES, I've heard it a million times...
 "haha! your intitials spell bra!"
 Not funny.
                Not funny at ALL

anyways, I suppose this could be my intro. er... I guess. this isn't really much of an intro now is it?

Well, I'm in middle school...eigth grade. In the greatest state of _______. :P
My best friend is Dakota, and my other best friend Is....Allie. Allie is a little...well disturbed right now her being really sick. I feel bad for her.

Blah blah blah back to me...

I'm a Ripstiker ( giggles ) and I play Feral hearts! :D...but its down now D:
I am addicted to pickles and am in the process of moving.

I won't be giving my age. Saying I'm in eigth grade is good enough....

And thats My intro! :3