Sunday, November 13, 2011

How to explain HIM

A carmel colored cutie with freckles and a lotta attitude. Total bad boy. A gangster even. Heh, he has some bad history and a few scars, he looks good w/o his shirt off hehe. :)

Anyways, I met him through an old friend of mine two years 5 months as 6 weeks ago. He reminds me often on how long we've bee~ well. KNOWN each other.

They went out and we became friends over time. He used to sneak into our art class just to see her.
But...-sigh- her parents hated me. And they didn't really like him...she cried over*"antics" all the time.

*Antics means...xD having "play dates" with his "friends"


Anyways anyways. They broke up , and we became really good friends.

Then I hated Mikavile. I mean sheer HATRED. But it was kind of forced hatred. I don't want to get into any details over that. >.< Parents

First day of 8th grade and WHO of all people sits in front of me?

Mikavile. -.-

He walked into the room. Ours eyes locked and he walked STRAIGHT out.

We started talking after once certain incident.
It seems harmless but it was big.

I had forgot my calculator and he offered his. I...I was stunned. I had thought he hated me too.

Enter Katherine. Sassy little she-devil...from VA or PA. I ain't sure.
It was obvious she liked him, and vice versa.
So, they start going out and the whole school started giving them a hard time.

Not because Mikavile is black and she's white...that happens all the time at our school!

No, he isn't liked much because that hot-head is NOT the easiest to get along with by a LONG shot..yeah.

Fast forward to about a week ago.

Katherine told me she was gonna break up with him...and...I didn't tell Mikavile.
Because I liked him. And I was single. Still am ;D haha.
And I still do like him.

He was SO PISSED at me Not telling him, that he told Katherine that I did.

This weekend we've been talking non-stop. I've been talking to him MORE than Dakota!!! :0

What's stopping us from being together?

ffffff my parents. Classic Romeo and Juliet moment Dx. Add in racism. also add he's my friend's ex.

plus add he's a thug.

But he is very sweet. He always finds a way to make me smile and laugh. He's really cute, he looks great w/o a shirt hehe. Mikavile's Carmel. :3 growing up in a racist family is tough. Most colored guys I leave alone.
But he's different. :3
Now you must know when I lived in Charlotte I dated two black people.. It was interesting...
Truthfully I wonder what's gonna happen if we go out...but...I'm terrified that it will end badly...


Story time over


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