Sunday, November 13, 2011

How to explain HIM

A carmel colored cutie with freckles and a lotta attitude. Total bad boy. A gangster even. Heh, he has some bad history and a few scars, he looks good w/o his shirt off hehe. :)

Anyways, I met him through an old friend of mine two years 5 months as 6 weeks ago. He reminds me often on how long we've bee~ well. KNOWN each other.

They went out and we became friends over time. He used to sneak into our art class just to see her.
But...-sigh- her parents hated me. And they didn't really like him...she cried over*"antics" all the time.

*Antics means...xD having "play dates" with his "friends"


Anyways anyways. They broke up , and we became really good friends.

Then I hated Mikavile. I mean sheer HATRED. But it was kind of forced hatred. I don't want to get into any details over that. >.< Parents

First day of 8th grade and WHO of all people sits in front of me?

Mikavile. -.-

He walked into the room. Ours eyes locked and he walked STRAIGHT out.

We started talking after once certain incident.
It seems harmless but it was big.

I had forgot my calculator and he offered his. I...I was stunned. I had thought he hated me too.

Enter Katherine. Sassy little she-devil...from VA or PA. I ain't sure.
It was obvious she liked him, and vice versa.
So, they start going out and the whole school started giving them a hard time.

Not because Mikavile is black and she's white...that happens all the time at our school!

No, he isn't liked much because that hot-head is NOT the easiest to get along with by a LONG shot..yeah.

Fast forward to about a week ago.

Katherine told me she was gonna break up with him...and...I didn't tell Mikavile.
Because I liked him. And I was single. Still am ;D haha.
And I still do like him.

He was SO PISSED at me Not telling him, that he told Katherine that I did.

This weekend we've been talking non-stop. I've been talking to him MORE than Dakota!!! :0

What's stopping us from being together?

ffffff my parents. Classic Romeo and Juliet moment Dx. Add in racism. also add he's my friend's ex.

plus add he's a thug.

But he is very sweet. He always finds a way to make me smile and laugh. He's really cute, he looks great w/o a shirt hehe. Mikavile's Carmel. :3 growing up in a racist family is tough. Most colored guys I leave alone.
But he's different. :3
Now you must know when I lived in Charlotte I dated two black people.. It was interesting...
Truthfully I wonder what's gonna happen if we go out...but...I'm terrified that it will end badly...


Story time over


Saturday, November 12, 2011


His Carmel colored hand resting gently in mine.
The way he holds me so tightly, yet tenderly.
Those deep brown eyes that melt my heart, but frightened me all that time ago.

The way he makes me smile, no matter what.
The fights we get in.
How we can make up.

How we aren't dating, but on face-book we act like it.
And the fact he knows how long we've known each other.

2 years...
4 months...
5 and a half weeks...

This is Mikavile.



Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Staple bracelets do not work

In Mr. P's ( for lack of better name ).

I had a stapler. My stapler.

It was a movie, something about the battle of Lexington. It was pretty interesting to say the least. We have a trial today and I'm getting a ride to school from me mom. :D

So I accidentally stapled two staples together, and thus my era of staple bracelets was born!

Problem: 1.) they hurt really really bad
2.) they get caught on everything
3.) when running track, they scratch others to the point of bleeding.
4.) unattractive.

So the. Conclusion is this:

Staple bracelets do not work.

Don't go home and try to make them. It's a waste of staples!!
